About Hemp Plants and CBD Products for your Dogs

Lots of wellness products are in the market today, including CBD for dogs. The cannabidiol or CBD oil is becoming popular because it has many beneficial effects on many animals, including dogs, cats, horses, etc.

Cannabidiol is becoming an alternative remedy for anxiety, stress, inflammation, and pain that many pets are experiencing. You can read more about how you can ease your dog’s anxiety in this site here: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/pets/g20706648/ease-dog-anxiety/. When you notice that your previously healthy dog does not want to eat his favorite food, then this is a sign that there’s something wrong.

What you need to do is to go to your veterinarian so that they can tell you an accurate diagnosis of what’s happening. You can also ask them about CBD products that you can give and make sure that the oil will not be a problem for your canine medication.

There are potential drug interactions and issues with the dosage that you should address before administering cannabidiol oil to your pet. Make sure that you know these or consult an expert first before giving anything to your dog.

Introduction to CBD

Lots of wellness products are in the market today, including CBD for dogs. The cannabidiol or CBD oil is becoming popular because it has many beneficial effects on many animals, including dogs, cats, horses, etc.

Cannabidiol is becoming an alternative remedy for anxiety, stress, inflammation, and pain that many pets are experiencing. You can read more about how you can ease your dog’s anxiety in this site here: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/pets/g20706648/ease-dog-anxiety/. When you notice that your previously healthy dog does not want to eat his favorite food, then this is a sign that there’s something wrong.

What you need to do is to go to your veterinarian so that they can tell you an accurate diagnosis of what’s happening. You can also ask them about CBD products that you can give and make sure that the oil will not be a problem for your canine medication.

There are potential drug interactions and issues with the dosage that you should address before administering cannabidiol oil to your pet. Make sure that you know these or consult an expert first before giving anything to your dog.

Introduction to CBD

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, and it does not have any psychoactive effects on animals. Instead, it makes your furry friend calmer and sleep better at night because of the oil.

When they have chronic pain problems because of their arthritis, the cannabinoid compounds in the oil can interact with your canine’s endocannabinoid system. This is the system connected to your pet’s central and peripheral nervous system. It is responsible for regulating mood, pain, appetite, and a lot of other functions.

CBD does not contain more than 0.3% THC, and this level is not enough to make your pets stoned. Instead, some of the products were tested, and they were known to be very safe even at the maximum dose.

Where the Hemp Plants Come Matter

Now, this is not to say that you should buy every cannabidiol product out there. You can visit this website and look at the legitimate products and their other ingredients available for your furry friend. It would be best to make sure that the products are locally-sourced in Colorado, California, Washington, and more.

This is because the legalization of hemp due to the Farm Bill of 2018 allowed many farmers to grow hemp legally. Since the growers don’t need to hide, they can take care of their plants better. Some growers don’t mix pesticides, chemicals, and other toxic substances while they are growing hemp.

You need a product where the plants were grown organically and locally. Most of the local producers were able to gather the oil extracts from the CO2 method, which is the safest one that is ideal for pet consumption. Not all products are created equal, and this applies to cannabidiol as well.

Only buy from trusted and legitimate merchants. If possible, ask for certifications and other documents proving that the hemp plants were locally-sourced. Most companies can also provide you with detailed instructions and doses when it comes to administering the oil to your canines. Ensure that you know about them and always check things with your veterinarian if you are unsure what to do.

Uses for Dogs

Cannabidiol can be used in a wide range of applications in its different forms. Most dogs can start with treats that were mixed with CBD. Get them the flavors that they love and start with the minimum dose. You can check if their anxiety or aggression levels can go down the following week when taking CBD oil.

Eczema, itchy spots and inflamed skin can be treated with the help of balms and topical creams. Look for products with anti-microbial and anti-itch features so that your dog can quickly adapt to dry skins and other hot spots. Other topicals are mixed with coconut oil to ensure their safety for your canine friend.

Other dogs can benefit, especially when they are experiencing anxieties. Most of the dogs are not used to hearing loud and scary fireworks. Cannabidiol can help them calm down during special events such as New Year or Independence Day, so you can drop a tincture to your dog’s tongue and see the effects afterward.