Average Speed for a Slithering Snake

Love them or hate them, snakes are among the world’s most fascinating creatures. Snakes frequently appear in fiction as mythical, seductive, and, let’s face it, unfavorable creatures, from the Garden of Eden to Kaa from The Jungle Book. Snakes are feared for their capacity to kill with a single bite, but they are also feared for their speed—both when moving across the ground and when striking prey.

Are snakes faster than humans?

Snakes do not move more quickly than people. We have an advantage since they crawl rather than run.

Since their normal speed is between 1-3 miles per hour, most snakes struggle at 1 mph. Rare snakes like the Black Mamba and the Sidewinder have been seen to accelerate to speeds of 18 and 12 miles per hour, respectively.

About 3 miles per hour is the top speed of the Red Racer. Even though they are swift snakes, the Red Racer and Black Mamba are not true predators in pursuit. If they are not aggressive toward humans, they won’t attack them. 

A typical runner may move at a speed of 20 mph, which is quicker than any snake that has been seen.

Snakes can slither at a rapid speed when they are in a panic, such as when they are being hunted or scared, although they cannot slither faster than a human run.

Snakes usually move slowly unless they are being pursued or startled. In addition, their slow metabolism keeps them at rest the majority of the day.

How do snakes slither?

Due to the lack of limbs, snakes must move via slithering. Snakes use both their muscles and scales to slither. A snake can hold objects because of the scales on its belly and ribs. These scales on the belly and ribs are raised and lowered by muscles.

A snake’s body will wriggle in the shape of a S. Pushing backwards at the ground while forming a S will cause the snake to advance.

They will also grab things with their scales. Snakes move on surfaces that are grasped by their scales, which propel the surface forward. The tread of tires is comparable to this moving mechanism. The snake has many scales covering its entire body.

Keratin makes up the scales of snakes. Keratin is a protein that is found in the skin, hair, and nails of humans.

Simply said, the muscles and scales work together to produce a force that pushes the snake’s body backward.

Can you outrun a snake?

An individual can outrun a snake. An ordinary person can outrun it when jogging because even swift snakes can only move at speeds up to 18 mph.

Depending on their length, snakes can move more quickly than others. An individual can outrun a snake but cannot escape its bite. In reality, snakes don’t typically chase after humans; instead, they attack quickly, covertly, and only in self-defense.

Do snakes chase humans?

No, snakes typically do not pursue humans. Even though many people do state that they were pursued by a snake, most of the time they are simply incorrect.

The snake probably attempted to slip past you so he could enter his hiding location.

Generally speaking, a snake views you as a huge threat to his existence. The snake sees you as a dangerous predator since you are bigger than he is. The majority of the time, they will react by fleeing, and they will only engage in combat with you if they feel cornered.

Of course, there may be very strange instances in which a snake lunges or strikes out at you. In these circumstances, the snake is likely to be extremely frightened, agitated, or lost. In other circumstances, the snake might have reacted by fighting you instead of you fighting it because of the fact that you fled away from it.

Which snakes can you outrun?

Although snakes are frequently referred to as “fast,” this description is focused on the rapidity of their bite rather than the pace at which they slither. Theoretically, you could outrun any of them, including these swift creatures:

1. The Sidewinder

The sidewinder is the quickest snake and can move its body forward at a pace of 18 mph, yet most people could still outrun it at full speed.

The sidewinder is a pit snake that lives at night and is commonly seen in the deserts of the United States and Mexico. The snake moves in an unusual way.

Sidewinders do not move by means of lateral undulation. They make ridges in the desert sand by pressing scales into the sand. They then move their body forward by using these ridges.

They have horns on top of their heads to keep sand from obstructing their vision. These snakes can be recognized by their horns.

2. The Black Mamba

Thanks to former NBA great Kobe Bryant acquiring the nickname, the Black Mamba may be the most well-known of the swift snakes.

If frightened or pursued, the Black Mamba snake can slither 12 mph. They move in quick spurts and are the second-fastest snakes in the entire globe.

They are 4 meters long, lean, and thin venomous snakes that move with exceptional dexterity. They slither on the ground by using lateral modulation.

They create an S-shaped pattern on the ground as they travel by using obstacles in their way to create a moment.

Due to its quickness in an attack, venom, and aggressive nature, the black mamba is one of the most feared snakes in Africa.

The world’s most aggressive snake, the black mamba, avoids people and prefers to flee, but when threatened, they can maintain their position forcefully.

Despite what its common name suggests, Black Mambas aren’t actually black. Instead, the species’ name refers to the mouth’s interior deep blueish-black coloring.

3. Southern Black Racers

Grassy areas and rocky hills are where you can find the Southern Black Racer. Most commonly seen in Eastern America, they are not thought to be venomous.

The lightness of these snakes’ bodies allows them to move with quickness and make faster thrusts. They can travel at a speed of 10 miles per hour for brief periods and are 2 meters long.


Although they are poisonous, snakes only bite people when they feel threatened. Snakes are unable to run. Instead, they slither at just 18 miles per hour or so. Therefore, we are faster than them.

Contrary to what Hollywood may like us to believe, snakes usually desire to stay away from us rather than pursue us. Therefore, if you accidentally step on a snake, don’t back away. Remain composed and take a gradual step back. With such outcome, the snake will also be really pleased.