Why nuclear explosions create mushroom clouds?

Those who have watched the videos online of atom bomb explosions must have noticed the different and peculiar type of smoke that was created by the explosion, and this smoke often rises in the shape of a mushroom and begins to become larger as it spreads out. The first thing to note … Read more

What keeps fire hydrants from freezing in winter?

The fire hydrants are a common sight in cities, especially in shopping areas. They are a blessing to the firefighters. The hydrants help the firefighters access underground water through hoses. If there’s a fire anywhere, the firefighters will connect their hoses to the hydrant and fight the flames. However, we know that … Read more

How are diamonds made out of coal?

A popular myth that has found its way around is that diamonds are made out of coal. The belief is so ingrained that it led to the birth of quotes like this: “A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” While the precious gem and the coal … Read more

How do night vision goggles work?

Compared to many animals and birds, the ability of humans to see in the darkness is significantly low. But thanks to that amazing brain we possess and the insatiable thirst for progress, we have been able to develop instruments that solve our numerous defects. Night vision goggles are one such piece of … Read more

What is DNA fingerprinting?

One of the most unique and fantastic ways to implement security and privacy on your house, over your phone or other gadgets, is through fingerprint use. Due to technological advances, fingerprinting technology has become very useful in security, privacy, identification of crimes, and even in the paternal test. DNA fingerprinting process  In … Read more

How do solar panels work?

The awareness of the dwindling reserves of fossil fuels and the environmental hazards caused by them have made the world turn towards the conservative energy resources. And the solar energy tops the list of those viable sources. Solar powered electronic appliances have been in use for many years. The solar energy is … Read more