How do neon and fluorescent lights work?

How do neon and fluorescent lights work?

Neon Light         Cool, colorful, and eerily radiant; a neon tube emits a light of almost seductive elegance. But mesmerizing as their shimmer may be, neon systems owe their glow to nothing more glamorous than a bit of gas and a jolt of electricity. Sealed within the glass tubing … Read more

How does soft water differ from hard water?

Soft water forms abundant lather with soap, but hard water does not. Hard water contains compounds of calcium or magnesium. Rainwater caught off a clean roof is soft, being almost entirely free from chemical impurities. But soft water found in clean roofs has in it some carbonic acid gas, which though does … Read more

How does soap remove the dirt out of things?

It is the fat or the oil that especially makes things dirty. Everyone knows how oil catches dust and makes a mess on one’s hands and clothes. It is the oil that comes out of the head, where the hair is, that makes us dirty so quickly; and the same applies to … Read more

How does glue work? How does it bond two things?

Glue is an essential part of anyone’s stationery supply. It is one of the very commonly used products amongst artists, students, teachers – in short, everyone. There are different variations of this particular product. It is produced in several forms, from sticks to runny liquids. But, all of them serve the same … Read more