Why our height increases a little during night’s sleep?

If you were given a chance to choose between being the tallest or the smallest man on Earth, what would you prefer? How is a person increase in height, and why are there extremes when it comes to height – shortest or tallest? What contributes to the increase in a person’s height? … Read more

Is there a color that human eyes can not see?

There is more to light than what meets the eye. An average human eye can see about one million colors. Some people can see 100 times more hues. However, the most intriguing question is how many colors are invisible. Yes, there are colors that human eyes cannot see. There is a secret … Read more

Do our brains work while we are asleep?

A lot of people know that most of the parts of our body stop functioning when we sleep, putting them into a state which allows them to rest and regenerate. When we sleep, our body naturally regenerates cells and remove toxins, which is why sleep is essential for us. However, our bodies … Read more

Why can’t we remember certain dreams?

Regardless if you’re naturally fascinated with dreams or just plainly curious why you’re always dreaming about your teeth falling out, the subconscious mind remains as one of the most puzzling things in our existence. There are instances when you’ll have dreams that don’t make sense. Other times you’ll have pleasant ones, which … Read more

Why does one’s face turn pale white when one is frightened?

A person who is hemophobic sees bloody people in a car collision. You are on your way home, walking down the street when a stray dog suddenly chased you. Your classmate, unprepared, is suddenly requested by your professor to present his report in class. When unexpected things happen, such as witnessing an … Read more

Why do we have lines on the palms of our hands?

You might be one of the majority of people who think that lines on the palm of our hands are there to foretell the future. Or else, you might have simply wondered why they are there when they don’t seem to fulfill any purpose. The palm lines on our palms are scientifically-regarded … Read more