Why do athletes take ice baths?

Getting an ice bath might seem painful, but for athletes and people who love strenuous workouts, it is one of the quickest and easiest ways to soothe pains from physical activities. For a while, ice baths have been around, gaining attention and rising in popularity. However, while it relieves sore muscles, you … Read more

Why do we wake up with bad breath in the morning?

It is always a good feeling waking up after a good night’s sleep. Our body feels regenerated, and we are full of energy to start the day. However, after you wake up, you suddenly notice the unpleasant smell. Upon checking, you found out that the odor is coming out from your mouth … Read more

Why does looking at the horizon help motion sickness?

While going to sea is an incredible experience, some people are anxious about travelling via water due to the possibility of getting motion sickness. The same feeling can elicit when you ride a car, plane, or even a short amusement ride. But why does it happens? And if you have heard of … Read more

Why do we feel like throwing up when we see someone else vomit?

You went into a bar, indulged on a few shots of alcohol, then you saw someone else puking outside the vicinity. Suddenly, you also felt the urge to puke. That feeling also repeats when you another person vomiting after an intense rollercoaster ride. But what is the reason why do we feel … Read more