Why does scratching an itch make it worse?

Why does scratching an itch make it worse

Unknowingly, an insect bites you, and after a few minutes, you felt an itch in your arm. You scratch it to remove the irritation, and again it just becomes itchier, and you keep on scratching that had caused a wound to your skin. Whether it’s a mosquito bite, eczema, or chickenpox, any … Read more

Why does hair stop growing after reaching a certain length?

You may be aspiring or know someone who does want to be Rapunzel and have long, beautiful hair. However, chances are it would remain a dream as each person’s hair is programmed to stop growing after reaching a certain length. A person’s genes dictate how quickly and how long their hair will … Read more

What are eye floaters? What causes them?

While you are reading this, pause and try to look around, see a lot of things; you enjoy their colors and beauty. It is all because of your eyes. Our eyes are the complex and the most highly developed sensory organs of our body. A far more significant part of the brain … Read more

What makes your arms, legs and feet fall asleep?

Sometimes you would wake up from sleep in the middle of the night and find yourself unable to move your arms as if they seem to feel like dead weights. Or you may get up from where you are sitting for hours without moving an inch, and suddenly, you feel a strange … Read more

Why do armpits smell bad?

You lather on deodorant every morning before going to work or school, yet you still can’t seem to conceal that subtle but deadly body odor? Despite your intrepid efforts, your armpits still smell at some point in the day. Well, there are 100,000,000,000,000 or one hundred trillion bacteria living on your body … Read more

How long can a person go without sleep?

One of the many mysteries of the human body still being studied is our need for sleep. Experts have never really come up with a successful explanation of why we need to sleep every day. Sure, the easy answer is that we “need to recharge our batteries”. But the truth is, no … Read more

Is it true that pupils dilate when we see something we like?

Your eyesight is one of your most essential senses. Almost 80% of what we perceive comes through our sense of sight. Its complex parts and functions make us perceive everything around us. When you try to look at the mirror, you will see a dark circle in the middle of your eye- … Read more