Can a housefly see in all the directions at a time?

The housefly, or more commonly known as fly, that we know today is a pest that humans could interact with often. They are mostly present in dirty places, mainly in areas with food waste, decaying dead organic matter, and feces, because this is the most suitable place for a fly to lay … Read more

Why and how do spiders spin threads?

Spiders are able to spin threads through their finger-like organs called spinnerets, and they can produce a substance that is called spider silk. Researchers estimate that for a given diameter, their tensile strength can be higher than that found in steel. Some spiders utilized this strong silk for constructing symmetrical fly-trapping webs, … Read more

Which is the largest insect in the world and where is it found?

Our world accommodates a wide variety of small and large living creatures. One of the most frequently found classes includes the class of insects. This group of species can survive in major parts of the earth. Some of the examples include roaches and flies. But which insect is the largest one, let’s … Read more

Do bees really hum as they fly? If yes then why?

Bee is the generic name for a large family of insects, with over 16,000 known species. These species include the western honey bee, known for producing natural honey and beeswax. Despite their tiny appearance, studies show that they are the most important insects in the animal kingdom, due to their capabilities to … Read more

Why does mosquito bite itch? How to prevent mosquitoes from biting?

It’s not only you who’s excited about summer and the barbecue parties it entails, but mosquitoes are also waiting to suck down sumptuously once they get the opportunity to attack. After they strike, mosquitoes leave red welts accompanied by irritating itchiness. But have you ever wondered why their bites itch? First, let’s … Read more