Who is known as the father of typewriter?

Who is known as the father of the typewriter

The typewriter was a revolutionary invention that changed the dynamics of the world of letters. We owe the invention of the modern-day typewriter to a multi-faceted genius named Christopher Latham Sholes. Born in 1819 in Milwaukee, USA, Sholes was a publisher, a politician, and a philosopher. He is now known as the … Read more

What is an Ophthalmoscope? Who invented it?

What is an Ophthalmoscope Who invented it

The Ophthalmoscope, also known as Funduscope, is a device that brought an explosive change in the treatment of eye diseases. It is used to find eye diseases such as Glaucoma. Before the device, the physicians had been relying primarily on magnifying glasses to study the eyes. It was more or less unreliable, … Read more

Who Is The Inventor Of Band-Aid That Is Used To Cover Wounds?

Who is the inventor of band aid that is used to cover wounds

Having a small wound on your finger, arm, feet, or wherever part of your body could be irritating. Besides the painful sensation, it is also prone to infections, which could lead to more severe injuries. Thankfully, the Band-Aid was invented. Using a Band-Aid is one way to secure our wounds, and prevents … Read more

What is the story behind Sony Walkman invention?

What is the story behind Sony Walkman invention

Before MP3 players were introduced in 1998, many people believed that the Sony Walkman would be the staple music player forever and that any other technology in the market would never replace it. With more than 100 million Walkman players sold around the world, the gadget became so iconic in pop culture … Read more

What was the idea behind the invention of pagers?

What was the idea behind the invention of pagers

Pager Pagers bridged the communication gap between the landline phones and cellphones until the evolution of mobile technology. Though vocal conversation was not possible via pagers (see image, left) yet the exchange of messages via text proved it an effective communication tool. The advent of mobile phones, however, wiped away the pagers … Read more

Who reported seeing UFO for the first time?

A lot has been documented and written about UFOs, especially the dish-looking aircraft called the flying saucer. The idea that there are unidentified flying vehicles on Earth sky refuses to go away, and the craze for UFOs started because a man in 1947 reported having seen them flying swiftly and brightly in … Read more