Which bird lays the largest egg?

What Is It? Ostrich Being the largest among the extant bird species on planet Earth, the Ostrich lays the largest eggs in the world too. While it cannot fly, its incredible speed makes up for this lack of ability. Its agility is handy when pursuing intruders in its nest or when running … Read more

Which is the fastest moving land snake in the world?

Black Mamba is regarded as the fastest moving land snake, which can travel up to 12 mph in short distances. While the speed of this serpent is often exaggerated, it can outrun any average person once it has locked you in its sight. Even though they do not have any feet, Black … Read more

How does a snake swallow something bigger than itself?

Snakes are renowned for their ability to swallow bigger than themselves. Anacondas and pythons consume unimaginably larger prey than their body. While their capability has been often shrouded with exaggeration, the majority of their species boast anatomical adaptations, allowing them to eat larger prey. Most of the animals they consume only account … Read more

Why does mosquito bite itch? How to prevent mosquitoes from biting?

It’s not only you who’s excited about summer and the barbecue parties it entails, but mosquitoes are also waiting to suck down sumptuously once they get the opportunity to attack. After they strike, mosquitoes leave red welts accompanied by irritating itchiness. But have you ever wondered why their bites itch? First, let’s … Read more

Which is the most venomous (poisonous) snake in the world?

In every continent of the world, there is at least one snake species (except Antarctica). In fact, it’s not uncommon to find some snake lurking around in your backyard. Snakes have earned a negative reputation over the course of time. And that is not totally undeserved since they have been known to … Read more