When and how were the Himalayas formed?

When and how were the Himalayas formed?

The Himalayas or Himalaya is regarded as the tallest mountain range in the world. Its name is derived from a Sanskrit word that means “abode of the snow,” as this natural wonder has the third-largest deposit of snow and ice after the North and South Poles. The Himalayas mountain range extends for … Read more

Why Are Hill Stations Cooler Than Plains?

A lot of people love hill stations. Mainly those people living in equatorial regions, where the sun’s heat is far greater compared to areas near the poles, enjoy going on a trip to the beautiful hill stations and spend a couple of days there. The main reason behind this is that the … Read more

What is Geothermal Energy? What is its source?

We need the energy to light up our homes and offices, cook our food, and power our appliances and vehicles. There are many energy sources in the world –nuclear, fossil, and renewable sources like wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal. The energy is converted to electricity, a secondary energy source, to your home … Read more

What are the principal layers of the atmosphere of Earth?

Earth is the lone planet in the Solar System that can support life. Thanks to its atmosphere and the array of gases it holds, we can breathe and remain safe from the harmful rays and radiation of the Sun.  Earth’s atmosphere is roughly 480 kilometers or 300 miles thick. It is divided … Read more

Why is the center of the Earth still hot?

The Earth is already 4.6 billion years into its existence, yet the lava at its core is still not freezing, as it continues to remain at a stable temperature. The internal heat of the Earth is caused mainly by four sources. The first source is the approximately 10,000 degrees Celsius of heat … Read more

How do cracks appear in mud flats during the period of drought?

Cracks in mud flats             We have all seen the cracks crisscrossing all over the surfaces of mudflats. Ever wonder how they appear in a flat drought area? Let’s discuss in detail! These cracks are called mud cracks or desiccation cracks. They are sedimentary structures. Although they … Read more