Do things weigh heavier or lighter when hot or cold?

Do things weight heavier or lighter when hot or cold?

The short answer is that yes, an item does in fact weigh more when it is heated. Will you ever be able to actually tell if such is the case? No. The change in weight is so infinitesimal that detecting it with just our five senses is impossible. How then, do we … Read more

Why some diseases are infectious while others are not?

A disease is any condition or illness that deters the body from functioning the way it usually should. Not all diseases are similar, though. That is why various types of medical specialists handle every kind of disease. But, one of the general classifications of illnesses is whether they are infectious or non-infectious. … Read more

Why walking on ice is difficult? Why is ice slippery?

Winter starts, and the air begins to get chilly, making it perfect to veg on the couch, eat a warm meal, and binge-watch on your favorite TV series. However, if you badly need to go out despite the cozy weather, devote extra caution as streets begin to icy. Thus, making you prone … Read more

Why does iron sink in water but floats on mercury?

Floating or sinking dramatically depends on the comparative differences between the two objects’ density. Density refers to how much space a substance or object takes, or its volume, as compared to the amount of matter present in that substance or object, or its mass. To put it simply, density pertains to the … Read more

Why does heat make paper curl up?

Paper is an essential part of daily life. We use it for a variety of materials and utilized for various purposes, such as writing, printing, wrapping things, decorations, currency, and even for industrial and construction processes. While it is undoubtedly beneficial for us, don’t expose it to heat and fire, or else, … Read more

Why does water always seem shallower than it is?

Light is one of the most complex things in the universe. It is so complex that it even warps the fabric of space/time due to its speed. Light is how we see. Light heats our planet and makes our ecosystem work. Without it, life could not exist. Light can also be deceptive. … Read more

Why do Formula One racing cars make so much noise?

Formula One is one of the most followed racing events across the world. For years, it has brought competition and excitement to its fans. With the passage of time, Formula One has made constant changes to make the cars safer, efficient, and faster. However, there is one thing that attracts the biggest … Read more