Why do we hear the sound of sea waves on a conch shell?

Why do we hear the sound of sea waves a conch shell

If you’re living along a coastline or visited the beach for vacation, you might have walked along the seashore to visit witness the ocean’s beauty. However, another great thing that you should not miss the seashells. They come in different sizes, lovely patterns, exciting colors. While they are rare to find, one … Read more

What is Centrifugal Force? Is it of any use to us?

Have you ever noticed the feeling you get when you are in a car, and the car takes a curve? It’s like someone is constantly pulling you outwards and forcing you to not move along the curved road. What causes that feeling? Why is that if you rotate anything in a circle, … Read more

Why are the windows in airplane passenger cabins oval?

When it comes to designing and constructing an aircraft, special considerations are undertaken. Since they serve to cover vast distances and fly high above the skies, there is no chance of any kind of failure. Therefore, essential components such as the engines, wings, and even relatively smaller components such as windows are … Read more

Does Light Get Fainter As It Travels?

Light is a work of nature that is visible to the human eye. The sun exposes us to light every day, along with several other human-made lights. The use of lights is essential to our lives, especially during our modern world, wherein some people tend to work at night. Furthermore, light itself … Read more

Is there any specific difference between mass and weight?

Maybe you do not like calculations, neither mathematical formula, nor physics. But it would help if you did them to understand what is the difference between mass and weight. Yes, they mean two different things but often used interchangeably. If you are on Earth and standing, not moving or doing anything, your … Read more

Why does milk turn sour? What gives it sour taste?

Milk is a great thirst quencher and provides the body with the necessary nutrients needed for growth and development. In fact, no mammal can survive without it. Whether it’s a kitten, deer, elephant, a dolphin, or a human being, the first things they will be eating at the onset of their lives … Read more