What is bionic technology or bionics?

What is bionic technology or bionics?

Bionic technology, or simply bionics, is one of the newest branches of science and a wonderful amalgam of electronics, robotics, and human psychology. It is so modern that even the recent editions of the leading dictionaries explain the meaning of the word ‘bionic’ as a fictional character having artificial body parts and … Read more

Why is the cooling power of air-conditioning measured in tons?

Imagine this: a contractor told your grandma that he would install a new air conditioning (A/C) system in her room. As he was explaining, he mentioned that the place required a four-ton unit. Confused, your grandma said, “Oh my! How will you bring something so huge in the house?” Grandma’s reaction was … Read more

How many patents are granted for perpetual motion machine so far?

The perpetual motion machine is one that generates enough energy to continue operating, which means that it does not require any energy from an outside source. As such, the machine would continue operating perpetually, hence the reason why it is given its current name. In the laws of physics, the perpetual motion … Read more

Who owns the Internet? Is it the US Government?

The simple answer to the question written above is this: nobody yet everybody owns the internet. The system of interconnected networks called the internet was originally developed by the US Government, specifically the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), because it had provided necessary benefits to the functions of the United States Department … Read more

How does blood pressure measuring apparatus (sphygmomanometer) work?

As a dynamic pump, the heart forces the blood around an impressive network of arteries and veins which, if joined end to end, would circle the Earth two-and-a-half times. The pressure that is exerted during this process can most conveniently be measured in the brachial artery that passes through the upper arm. … Read more

Who invented Intel’s first Pentium chip?

In today’s world, whether we are a computer wizard or not much of a tech-savvy, we might probably know the American technology company – Intel.  Intel, also known as Intel Corporation, is one of the world’s largest technology companies. It reigned the computer age because of its advanced technology and innovation when … Read more

Where is all the information data on the Internet stored?

The Answer: The Internet is a vast maze. It is incredibly hard to quantify and sometimes almost impossible to truly navigate. A complex array of machinery, coding, and processing power is needed to run even a single computer, much less the behemoth that is the Internet. Information on the Internet is exchanged … Read more

How long did the first light bulb stay lit?

This is the photograph of the first incandescent bulb, and it was made by Thomas Edison. With more than one thousand patent to his name and his company, Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most celebrated inventors in the history. His first job was of a telegraph operator at a train station, … Read more