Dorra Slimming Review

If you’re looking for a fast and effective way to slim down, Dorra Slimming is a perfect choice. With their French-formulated slimming treatments, you can see up to 5cm loss in 20 – 40 minutes. Plus, their 100% female environment ensures that you’ll feel comfortable during your treatment. You can get the best slimming results with Dorra Slimming without even working up a sweat.

Their treatments – Specialisation

When you talk about French women, the first thing that comes to mind is their well-defined bodies. They have a long and thin body that glides with elegance, and most people always want to know their secret. The truth is, it’s not that complicated. They use targeted treatments to achieve their desired figures.

Toning, Slimming, and Recontouring

With targeted slimming treatments, you can no longer worry about overweight issues. If you want to tone a specific part of your body, this is also possible with the right treatment. The good news is that these treatments are now available in Singapore, so you don’t have to worry about large hips bulging tummy or chunky thighs.

The Dorra Formula

  • It promotes fat cell discharge by increasing blood and lymphatic fluid movement through the body.
  • It detoxifies the body and boosts its metabolism.
  • Tightens and tones sagging skin.
  • Cellulite, stretch marks, and skin elasticity are all reduced.
  • It shapes the lower body silhouette.

Intense Fat Burning Treatment

This treatment allows you to lose from 3-5 cm in just an hour. The hips, tummy, and thighs are tough areas that need a little more push, which this therapy is designed to provide. This technology has won different awards because it can show amazing results with just one session. The powerful slimming machine, when combined with the technology, will deliver exceptional results through three steps:

Step 1: Break-down Fat Cells: The first step is to break down the fat cells to be removed from the body. This is done with a low-frequency technology that helps break down the fat cells.

Step 2: Burn Fat Cells: The second step is to burn the fat cells. This process is done with the help of a high-frequency technology that helps to increase the temperature of the fat cells and causes them to burn.

Step 3: Discharge Fat Cells: The third and final step is to discharge the fat cells from the body. This is done with a lymphatic drainage technology that helps to increase the movement of blood and lymphatic fluid through the body.

Fat Burning Ampoule

The French version of our product uses innovative peptide technology to reduce fat buildup and eliminate fat.

ATO-145 Slimming peptide:

✓Even the thickest fatty layers are covered.

✓ Increased fat burning by 53%

✓It reduces fat accumulation by keeping the body from absorbing excess calories.

Speedy Detox Treatment

The Dorra Slimming team understands that it is important to detoxify your body first for you to achieve your desired figure. This is why they have developed a treatment that can help you do just that. This treatment uses a unique detox peptide ATO-25 to remove toxins and promote metabolism. This treatment is perfect for those who want to jumpstart their slimming journey.


Dorra Slimming offers the best French-formulated slimming treatments to help you achieve your desired figure. With their targeted treatments, you can tone specific body areas and achieve a more sculpted figure. Their fat-burning treatment is perfect for those who want to lose from 3-5 cm in just an hour. If you want to jumpstart your slimming journey, their speedy detox treatment is perfect for you. Visit their website today to learn more about their slimming treatments.