Launching a PPC Campaign with the Professionals

One of the largest advertising platforms on the internet is Google AdWords. This is where you launch your advertising campaign and get a lot of customers.

However, some people may have been burning money and giving their hard-earned revenues to Google ever since they started because they couldn’t see any returns. If this is the case with you, it might be the right time to consult the experts to set everything right and begin seeing results and money coming into your bank account.

If this is something that you’ve never done before, you may have been probably thinking through a lot of things, including:

  • Being scared to death that you’re going to burn everything and your hard-earned dough on Google and this is a very legitimate worry.
  • Thinking about keywords or targeting search terms, but you’re uncertain if what you’re doing is right.
  • You’re unsure about what to expect or what kind of return you’re going to get out of all your efforts, energy, investment, and time.
  • The interface of Google AdWords may look scary the first time you see it.

This is what other successful digital marketers were thinking about years ago, but now, they are running hundreds of campaigns in various markets. They can handle a broad degree of difficulty with a varying budget. Believe it or not, you can also do the launching like a professional with the help of a Sacramento PPC agency that will help you get started. This is also easier than what you’re thinking.

Knowing your Campaign Objectives

You might want to determine whether you’re selling a product or service in the first place. Others know that they want to collect leads or customers who will want to call them after learning more about their products.

Even if a sale, a phone lead, or an email address are three different things, these are the outcomes that you will want to increase. You should measure the effectiveness of your campaign through these three things, and knowing your cost per acquisition (CPA), return on investment (ROI), and return on ad spend (ROAS) will enable you to know if what you’re doing is right.

These are the steps that you should not skip since the things that you’re able to measure are the ones that you’ll be able to manage in the first place. Here’s a breakdown of these things.

CPA (Cost Per Action): These are what you are willing to spend to capture a goal. It might be helpful to spend $10 for a sale of $100. This is when you target a CPA of $10, and anything less will cost you little and be acceptable. Anything more than this is too much, and you need to make some adjustments.

ROAS or ROI: You might want to make $5 for every dollar you’re spending. If so, then the ROAS will be 500% or 5.0.

Competitive Analysis and Keyword Research

Various tools can be used online like KeywordSpy, SEMrush, and to give you a much more competitive analysis, but there are also “free routes” worth trying.

Choose three or four competitors in your niche who seem to be doing an “excellent job” with their AdWords campaign. Drop them into the Kombat tool of This way, you’ll know the list of keywords your competitors in the industry are currently bidding on. Most of the pros in pay-per-click and AdWords campaigns may learn other tricks on how you can get access to these relevant pieces of information, so you may want to check them out.

Tracking of your Conversion

It’s highly advisable to track all your adjectives before spending a dollar on AdWords. The ROAS and ROI should track how many phone calls, leads, emails, revenues, and transactions you’re getting because of your PPC campaign. Web developer professionals easily set up these tracking tools or by hiring a third-party provider for your needs. Learn more about an ROI on this site here.

Configuration of your Basic Settings

  • Search Network Only: You should choose the “All Features” option. However, separate the Display and Search campaigns.
  • Locations: You need to choose the location where you are or where your target customers are residing. There are options where you can add local businesses, cities, and states through geo-locations. Some will even provide you with an “advanced” feature where you’ll be able to target the households with a specific annual income that will be pretty much helpful to you.
  • Bidding Strategies: These strategies should be manual, and it’s helpful if you can create a more flexible approach with an enhanced CPC. However, know that these will require at least 15 conversions or sales in the space of a month.
  • Budget: You have the option to change your daily budget in the settings. You wouldn’t want the advertisements to stop running in the first place because the credit card ran out of money. Adjust the spending based on the ROAS as well.
  • Extensions: You should always add site links and ad extensions, especially if you’re going to take phone calls.
  • Schedulers: A scheduler lets you bid the best time of the day or week when you want to get your ads shown.

Creation of the Ads

Spend a lot of effort and time creating an advertisement that will stand out over the others. If possible, get a professional to help you out because this is essentially the heart and soul of the marketing campaign. Show something that resonates with your audience. The goal is to have someone who will want to click on your ad as quickly as possible when they see it.

The experts will help you clarify the market segments and customize your campaigns as needed. They will also make improvements and make sure that you see the impact of your PPC almost immediately. This is to say that the results are faster than SEO which takes months before your efforts will make a difference.

With this said, the right people will be able to convince your audience or user that they need your particular product or service. They will be the ones to handle everything for you.