Why is water used as a fire extinguisher?

Why is water used as a fire extinguisher

One might wonder, if hydrogen is a highly combustible gas, while oxygen helps it in combustion, then why does the combination of both of these elements as H2O or water have the ability to extinguish a fire? The answer lies in the difference between mixture and compound found in H2O. At the … Read more

What is the process of turning Mercury into Gold?

For centuries, people have tried to find a method to produce gold, one of the most valuable materials in the world. Gold has been the primary method of currency for centuries, perhaps even millennia. Once, it backed United States currency, though those does are behind the country. Gold is universally valuable for … Read more

Why does persistent yelling make one hoarse?

What’s common between being on a looping and dashing rollercoaster, in between sweaty crowds for Beyoncé’s concert and that creepy haunted house? Well, it’s the fact that when people find themselves there, the rest sure like to yell! People yell when they see someone from afar they know, or when their favorite … Read more

Why British national flag is called the Union Jack?

It might just be a piece of cloth, with colors and emblems, but it represents each nation and its story. Whether it represents an organization, an armed force, an office, or an individual, it is a way of telling the world of one’s sovereignty. A flag is usually, but not always, oblong … Read more

What is the story of the New York getting its name?

An Englishman by the name of Henry Hudson was employed by the Netherlands to be one of many explorers who tried to find a route to the Orient by sailing towards the Northwest Passage that will eventually be known as America. Although he sailed on the Dutch ship far up the North … Read more