What is a Quasar?

What is a Quasar?

A quasar is a galactic nucleus that is extremely luminous active. It consists of a black hole with mass ranging from millions to billions of times of the sun’s mass, surrounded by a gaseous accretion disk. The term ‘quasar’ was introduced when the very first quasars were identified in the 1950s. These … Read more

Who Invented The Pneumatic Tire? (Robert William Thomson)

Just riding our way to work, school, or the mall would make us appreciate the invention of tires. Whenever we use modern land transportation, we utilize various vehicles such as motorcycles, cars, trucks, and buses. Interestingly, all of these modes of transportation include the use of pneumatic tires, or simply called tires. … Read more

How high up do the highest clouds float?

Clouds of the kind called cirrus, which is the Latin word for ‘curl’, float higher than those of any other kind, their average height above sea-level being about 10,000 meters (33,000 feet) – quite more than that of the world’s highest mountain. They are made up of tiny particles of ice, and … Read more

How many electrons are there in electric current?

We can define an electric current as the flow rate of an electric charge past a certain point. This sort of current exists when we have a net flow of electric charges within a particular region. When we look at an electric circuit, we can see that the charge itself is carried … Read more

Why sand is attracted to magnet even though it is not a metal?

At some point in your childhood, you might most likely have played with magnets at home or school. It is fascinating how magnets can attract things towards them regardless of what shape the magnet is. However, magnetism doesn’t work on glass, plastic, or paper. Only those objects made of metals, such as … Read more

Why is number 13 considered unlucky?

Are you one of the hopefuls who bets of the Powerball jackpot that climbs ever month? You probably have a hard time deciding on the lucky numbers that you will choose for your lottery ticket. According to a news from abc7news published on March 28, 2019, someone from Wisconsin has won the … Read more