What function does barcode perform? And where is it used?

Thundering cannons herald the outbreak of wars and inflaming speeches herald political revolutions but scientific and technological revolutions usually come quietly without any fanfare. Something like that happened in Ohio State’s small-town named Troy having barely 15,500 inhabitants on June 26, 1974. A small boy walked into a provision store to buy … Read more

Why is the cooling power of air-conditioning measured in tons?

Imagine this: a contractor told your grandma that he would install a new air conditioning (A/C) system in her room. As he was explaining, he mentioned that the place required a four-ton unit. Confused, your grandma said, “Oh my! How will you bring something so huge in the house?” Grandma’s reaction was … Read more

What was the origin of the Olympic Games?

The original Olympic Games were an ancient Greek festival held at the end of every fourth year at Olympia, which was located in Southern Greece. The Ancient Olympics had a semi-religious character, and they were open to members of all branches in the Greek race. During the games, no fighting was allowed … Read more

Why do we hear the sound of sea waves on a conch shell?

If you’re living along a coastline or visited the beach for vacation, you might have walked along the seashore to visit witness the ocean’s beauty. However, another great thing that you should not miss the seashells. They come in different sizes, lovely patterns, exciting colors. While they are rare to find, one … Read more

Why do cat’s eyes shine in the darkness of night?

You’re walking along a lonely alley at night. Ahead, you see a startling pair of shining, disembodied eyes out of the dark. As you get close, you found out that they were just the eyes of your neighbor’s cat. You might think that the cat is playing some fun tricks on you … Read more