Why some birds like Ostrich, Kiwi, and Penguins are flightless?

Why some birds like Ostrich, Kiwi and Penguins are flightless

Have you ever wished you were a falcon, soaring in great heights and diving steeply at high speeds? How about being an eagle, rising mightily above the prairie? For the longest time, most of us ruefully watched birds as they ascend to the sky through their wings. However, you might be surprised … Read more

Why when the train races forward does its smoke go backwards?

Think of relying on coal and water yet still having sufficient energy to run over a hundred miles per hour – steam locomotives indeed are marvelous inventions. While they are no longer existing today and are replaced with more efficient trains on our railroads, steam locomotives undoubtedly left a mark in people’s … Read more

What is Centrifugal Force? Is it of any use to us?

Have you ever noticed the feeling you get when you are in a car, and the car takes a curve? It’s like someone is constantly pulling you outwards and forcing you to not move along the curved road. What causes that feeling? Why is that if you rotate anything in a circle, … Read more