Reasons to Get Dentures without Palate

Dentists suggest palateless dentures to patients who had unpleasant experiences with traditional prostheses or simply did not get used to them. These prostheses do not rely on your palate and jawbone shape. Instead, they are fixed with implants, which act like anchors for palateless dentures.

Dentists must be skilled in working with implant-based braces. Also, they must ensure your jawbone is strong enough for the implants to be secured. It takes some time until they fuse with your jaw. After the healing period, the dentist will take an impression and make a well-fitted brace. Once snapped to implants, it will improve your look, bite, and feeling.

If looking for an affordable alternative to traditional prostheses or a permanent solution to a gap in your smile, palateless dentures explained on this page can be your thing. They have several benefits over conventional restoration methods and correct their shortcomings.

More Natural Feel on Teeth

A more natural feel on your teeth is a top priority of palateless dentures. A functional impression is taken during the initial visit so that the dentist can modify the rims of the brace to fit your bite. That ensures these mouthwork pieces feel more natural on your teeth.

A dentist who is board-certified in dental implant placement can ensure a quality fit, which is crucial for your new palateless dentures. That will prevent dentures from slipping or causing discomfort. You can also ask your dental practitioner to adjust during your initial visit.

The open design of implant-based dentures also makes it easier for patients with a sensitive gag reflex to tolerate them. It might take a while until they get used to this structure in their mouths. But they should feel more natural after four weeks.

The implant-based prosthesis is very stable, considering that it is attached to the implants via special clips. That enables safety and comfort while you talk and eat, so you do not have to worry whether your braces will fall off. You can certainly take it off when necessary. With a little training and practice, it will only take a few seconds.

Enhanced Comfort

People wearing total prostheses for several years often suffer discomfort because these structures fall off, pinch or the food gets under them. That is why they often replace these prostheses with palateless dentures. Compared to conventional prostheses, these have fewer cons and are more comfortable.

Implant-based dentures eliminate the feeling of a foreign body in the mouth. As they do not cover the roof of the mouth, these braces can fit snugly over the upper part of the mouth. While they might not look as natural as regular dental implants, they are still better than no teeth.

The stability of the prosthesis is what affects the comfort of wearing it. More implants provide better stability to this mouthwork piece. So dental experts recommend installing four anchors for the upper jaw, while two are sufficient for the lower jaw.

Prevent Jawbone Shrinkage

Missing teeth signal your body to stop using the jawbone. That is when it can shrink, distorts, or even atrophies. That leads to facial sagging and eating and speech troubles. You can prevent that by having dental implants and a suitable denture to replace missing teeth.

If your jawbone has decreased in volume due to missing teeth, you may want to consider implant-supported prostheses. They can similarly stimulate jawbone cells as natural tooth roots do. As a result, they can help you avoid further jawbone shrinkage and enhance the quality of your speech.

On the following link, you will find some handy tips for more comfortable denture wearing:

When appropriately used, these structures will retain your bone density and replace missing teeth. But dentures can cause bone loss if you do not maintain good dental hygiene and eat the proper nutrition. Also, they can irritate and damage the jawbone when not fitted correctly. So, you should do frequent follow-ups with your dentist to prevent jawbone shrinkage and further health problems.

Enjoy Your Food

While regular dentures cover your entire palate, palateless braces let you taste and enjoy foods and all their flavors. They are designed to fit the roof of the mouth without touching it. That is how your palates remain active and sensitive to stimulation. That helps you increase your nutritional intake, improve energy levels, and expand your food options and tastes.

Palateless dentures also provide a better sense of temperature. That means more flavorful meals and less bloated, sore gums. Also, as these structures are easy to clean, you can prevent bad breath. That usually happens when food leftovers under your braces start to rot.

There are some foods you should avoid when wearing braces. But with palateless dentures, you do not have to give up solid foods like nuts or seeds or chewy goods like steaks or candies. The implants firmly hold the prosthesis so that every bite will be a delight.

Get Your Confidence Back

People without teeth face not only health but also aesthetic problems. Missing teeth can greatly damage one’s appearance, not to mention how much it can shake one’s self-confidence. Those who are missing teeth smile less often and avoid talking too much, which can cause certain psychological issues.

If you are missing a few teeth, implant-supported dentures are the best way to restore your smile and confidence. These are an excellent option for replacing missing teeth, as they are secure and long-lasting. And unlike traditional braces, they are comfortable and will not irritate your gums.

Implant-supported dentures are custom-made and supported by four or more titanium implants. These are an excellent choice for people who cannot afford full-arch bridges. These prosthetics can restore your confidence and self-esteem. You can smile confidently without worrying about your teeth with an implant-supported denture.

Palateless dentures feel more natural than conventional ones. They are secured by dental implants, stimulating the jawbone, and preventing it from shrinking. This dental restoration is costly, but it is worth it if you want to avoid the face sagging and keep your look and feel natural.