What are the causes and treatment for chickenpox?

What are the causes and treatment for chickenpox?

Chickenpox is a highly contagious infection, brought by the varicella-zoster virus or VZV, which is a part of the family of herpesviruses. These viruses target the tissues during initial infection and lay dormant in the body. However, they can be triggered at some point due to many factors. Such reactivation of the … Read more

Why does scratching an itch make it worse?

Unknowingly, an insect bites you, and after a few minutes, you felt an itch in your arm. You scratch it to remove the irritation, and again it just becomes itchier, and you keep on scratching that had caused a wound to your skin. Whether it’s a mosquito bite, eczema, or chickenpox, any … Read more

What causes some people to faint all of a sudden?

Fainting, also referred to as Syncope, occurs when you suddenly lose consciousness, due to a drop in your blood pressure or when your brain fails to get sufficient amounts of oxygen. While the cause of fainting often tends to be minor, it can also be an indication of an underlying illness. Individuals … Read more

What is tetanus? What causes it?

When you were a kid, have you heard your parents telling you always to wear your slippers or shoes whenever going out of your house, and avoid stepping on the ground bare-feet? Aside from your feet may be thorn by sharp and pointed objects on the ground, maybe, your mother knew about … Read more

Why does sore throat look red?

Celine was very excited to perform in their school’s musical competition. She has practiced her song piece several times in a day, became strict with her diet, and observed enough sleep. She did vocalization every morning. One day, when she wakes up, she felt sick. She was sneezing and feeling a little … Read more

Why do we lose the sense of smell when we have a cold?

The cold is one of the most common viral infections of the nose and throat. It can strike you any time, especially when your immune system is at a low. Around 100 rhinoviruses are present that cause over half of the colds you experience. Once you catch them, they can result in … Read more

How does gargling with salt water help to cure a sore throat?

Sore throat is a condition that is commonly known as pain in the throat. It is caused by viral infections, such as cold and flu. Inflammation is caused due to the infection. It is a known fact that about 7.5% of people of the total population get affected by this infection once … Read more