Why some animals seem to enjoy human affection?

Why some animals seem to enjoy human affection

Do you have a dog that loves to cuddle? Or, a cat that rubs you every time for asking snuggle? Have you seen viral videos showing animals enjoying warm hugs? They inevitably seem to enjoy affection. But why do they do so? What do they get from us? Social bonds? Food? Pleasure? … Read more

Why does alcohol leave a smell on our breath?

You’ve indulged in alcohol on a Sunday night, forgetting about an important meeting scheduled at 8:00 am the following day. While you’re quite sane, your biggest problem is getting the smell of alcohol out from your breath, so you’re boss won’t be able to know that you boozed out some few hours … Read more

Why do pigeons thrive better inside cities than any other bird?

Driving down city road, you see some “wild birds” nesting on top of a skyscraper. Oddly enough, this is a totally normal sight because these birds happen to be pigeons. Pigeons represent the fact that we aren’t the only creatures living on this planet. Just like us, pigeons like to enjoy their … Read more

What is seizure and what causes it?

One day, you and your friend meet at the park to unwind after a stressful week doing your tasks in the office. You bought some food, drinks, sit on a bench in a corner, then chitchat on how did your whole week went. In the middle of your conversation, you panicked because … Read more

Why do athletes take ice baths?

Getting an ice bath might seem painful, but for athletes and people who love strenuous workouts, it is one of the quickest and easiest ways to soothe pains from physical activities. For a while, ice baths have been around, gaining attention and rising in popularity. However, while it relieves sore muscles, you … Read more