What is chloroform? Why does it send a person to sleep?

What is chloroform

You might have commonly heard the word “chloroform” associated with people fainting or police investigations. In cinemas, we sometimes see an unfortunate victim forced to smell a cloth moistened by chloroform, leading the victim to fall unconscious suddenly. So, is it advisable to avoid smelling or touching chloroform? Is there any truth … Read more

Why some diseases are infectious while others are not?

A disease is any condition or illness that deters the body from functioning the way it usually should. Not all diseases are similar, though. That is why various types of medical specialists handle every kind of disease. But, one of the general classifications of illnesses is whether they are infectious or non-infectious. … Read more

How does blood pressure measuring apparatus (sphygmomanometer) work?

As a dynamic pump, the heart forces the blood around an impressive network of arteries and veins which, if joined end to end, would circle the Earth two-and-a-half times. The pressure that is exerted during this process can most conveniently be measured in the brachial artery that passes through the upper arm. … Read more

How can doctors tell our temperature by feeling our pulse?

There is a connection between the rate at which our pulse beats and the temperature of our body. They go more or less together. So, when the doctor counts pulse rate and finds that it is just the rate it should be, he also expects to find the temperature quite usual. If … Read more

Who invented stethoscope? How does it work?

A trip to the doctor could be a satisfying experience, whether we are having our regular check-up, treatment for an illness, or under a severe medical condition. Going to the hospital is a way to help us relieve pain and other diseases, as well as to maintain a healthy body.  Every time … Read more

Why vaccination prevents us from having smallpox?

Vaccination and smallpox are intricately linked. Smallpox is a severe, contagious, disfiguring,  and often fatal disease that affected the human population for thousands of years. It caused 300 million deaths globally by the 20th century. Thanks to Edward Jenner, who developed the first smallpox vaccine, the disease’s spread was prevented. It led … Read more