Who reported seeing UFO for the first time?

A lot has been documented and written about UFOs, especially the dish-looking aircraft called the flying saucer. The idea that there are unidentified flying vehicles on Earth sky refuses to go away, and the craze for UFOs started because a man in 1947 reported having seen them flying swiftly and brightly in … Read more

Has any of Nostradamus’s predictions actually come true?

Nostradamus, the famous astrologer of the 16th century has made about 353 predictions regarding not only the near future but also the centuries to follow. Nostradamus and The World Trade Center Even those who are quite good at English might find it difficult to comprehend the four lines given below. The verse-like … Read more

Why is number 13 considered unlucky?

Are you one of the hopefuls who bets of the Powerball jackpot that climbs ever month? You probably have a hard time deciding on the lucky numbers that you will choose for your lottery ticket. According to a news from abc7news published on March 28, 2019, someone from Wisconsin has won the … Read more