Which is the longest lasting light bulb?

Which is the longest lasting light bulb?

  You can see on the left the picture of an electric light bulb, which is unique and appears in almost every edition of “Guinness Book of World Records.” The bulb was not made by a machine but by an expert glass-blower whose job was to give shape to melted glass by … Read more

Which is The Largest Diamond Ever Known? Who owns it now?

Which is the largest diamond ever known? Who owns it now?

Before we get to know about the biggest diamond known to mankind, let us learn some interesting facts about diamonds. Diamonds are rare precious stones that are naturally obtained from volcanoes. Essentially, it is merely carbon, and its structure is exactly like coal. When this ordinary coal is put under heavy pressure, … Read more

Which is the world’s oldest city still inhabited as in the past?

Which is the world's oldest city still inhabited as in the past?

Most scholars agree that the title rightfully belongs to Jericho, a city located near the Jordan River in the West Bank of the Palestinian Territories, about 8 miles north to the Dead Sea. The conclusion is based on radio-carbon dating on archaeological specimens from the lowest levels reached during excavations. These specimens … Read more

Which country has the most expensive postage stamp?

Which country has the most expensive postage stamp

Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika hold the world record for the costliest postage stamp ever issued. Out of these three countries, Tanganyika did not exist as a separate country. It was only in 1964 when it merged with Zanzibar and formed what is now known as the United Republic of Tanzania. What’s common … Read more