What is the difference between different types of toothpaste?

What is the difference between different types of toothpaste

There is not a lot of difference in the different types of toothpaste. Some manufacturers will add ingredients with certain properties, but in real-life use, the effects of those properties will be minimal. Here are some good examples of toothpaste types: Whitening toothpaste typically contains a higher level of abrasives, which essentially … Read more

Why are things shiny (or shinier) when wet?

It is quite often that we observe things appear shinier when they are wet. Whether it may be while washing the car or rain falling down on metal surfaces, things look more reflective and shinier than usual. You might have wondered why is that so? And the answer is quite simple. When … Read more

What was considered junk food in ancient times?

In terms of processing, junk food is really the result of our ability to process food down in the modern age to very calorie-dense ingredients, such as white flour, refined sugar, and different types of oils, then cheaply recombine them into calorie-dense food products that don’t contain any fiber while also having … Read more

How does diet soda have 0 calories?

Regular soda or diet soda? You must have come across such situations often where you had to choose between these two. Which one is less harmful and what is the wiser choice, let’s learn something about diet soda. Diet Sodas Diet sodas were first introduced in the 1950s. They were meant for … Read more