Why is jaywalking called jaywalking?

Why is jaywalking called jaywalking

Rules are set wherever we go. There are rules inside the classroom, in the marketplace, parks, recreational places, malls, movie theaters, hospitals, at home, and even on the roads. We are obliged to abide and follow even if sometimes we don’t want to. It is to maintain order and peace and to … Read more

What is the origin and history of the 21-gun salute?

There are many customary salutes developed in various militaries around the world, and one of the most popular was the 21-gun salute. A 21-gun salute is easily the most recognizable out of all, with its origin tracing back to the 17th century. Since the early ages of human history, there had been … Read more

Why don’t Amish men grow mustaches?

The Amish, also known as Amisch or Amische, are a group of traditionalist Christians. They trace their origin from the Swiss Anabaptists in the 17th century. In the 18th century, most of them migrated to North America. The Amish are mostly known for their lifestyle, which is characterized by the inclination towards … Read more

Why is a Baker’s Dozen 13 instead of 12?

Dozen is defined as a collection of 12 things. It is from old French douzaine “a dozen, a number of twelve”.  In various usages, from doze “Twelve,” from Latin Duodecim “twelve,” from the duo “two” (from PIE root *dwo- “two”) + decem “ten” (from PIE root *dekm- “ten”). The Old French suffix … Read more

Which is the port and which the starboard side of the ship?

Ships are one of the oldest examples of humanity’s countless creations. They are one of those simple yet incredibly effective designs that represent the ingenuity and creativity of the human brain that has allowed us to survive and thrive in every part of the world. Long before things such as wheels and … Read more

What was the origin of the Olympic Games?

The original Olympic Games were an ancient Greek festival held at the end of every fourth year at Olympia, which was located in Southern Greece. The Ancient Olympics had a semi-religious character, and they were open to members of all branches in the Greek race. During the games, no fighting was allowed … Read more