Why Distance Of Planets Is Measured In Light-Years But Not KM Or Miles?

Earth with sunrays

Astronomers use light-years to measure or calculate the distance in space. It is known as the distance traveled by a beam of light for one year — a distance of six trillion miles. A light-year is typically greater and more extensive than a mile or kilometer.  The universe outside Earth is so enormous that units … Read more

How do we know that fusion reaction takes place on the Sun?

We live in a world where nuclear reactions determine the outcome of everything. What most people do not know is that they are the basis of atomic bombs and other significantly dangerous objects. In fact, these reactions are sometimes natural as well. For centuries, all kinds of nuclear reactions have been occurring … Read more

Why can’t you look directly at an eclipse?

An eclipse is one of the fascinating events brought by nature. It happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. The moon blocks the light of the Sun from reaching our planet, leaving a shadow on Earth. A total solar eclipse happens when the moon entirely blocks the Sun. … Read more

What would happen if Earth passed through a comet’s tail?

Nothing would happen to the Earth if a comet passed through it, except that we would be bear witness to a breath-taking space fireworks display. The meteoritic dust found in the comet’s tail would be burned up by the air’s friction in the atmosphere, just as meteors are consumed and transformed into … Read more