How Often Should You Take Your Cat to the Vet?

a cat with white and black stripes is sitting

 Liza’s cat, Kittypurry, is acting strangely in a couple of days, it just hides in a corner or an out-of-the-way place. When Liza calls her for meals, she looks so weak to get off the floor and seems uninterested despite her mouth-watering meals. Kittypurry must be sick! Hiding in a quiet place … Read more

Why can’t we see in the dark like cats and owls?

Was there a time when you camped out on a dark mountain, where navigating was impossible without a flashlight? Or maybe power went out in the middle of the night, and it was so difficult to see what’s in front of you? Well, our visual systems as human beings are not designed … Read more

Why do cat’s eyes shine in the darkness of night?

You’re walking along a lonely alley at night. Ahead, you see a startling pair of shining, disembodied eyes out of the dark. As you get close, you found out that they were just the eyes of your neighbor’s cat. You might think that the cat is playing some fun tricks on you … Read more