Is Eye Rubbing Safe for Eyes?

A man in a jacket rubbing his eye

Most people rub their eyes at some point, and the act is strangely comforting. However, we’ve also been told not to rub our eyes too much, or at all. Let’s see if this is true and also look at why we rub our eyes when they’re tired or for any other reason: … Read more

Can a housefly see in all the directions at a time?

The housefly, or more commonly known as fly, that we know today is a pest that humans could interact with often. They are mostly present in dirty places, mainly in areas with food waste, decaying dead organic matter, and feces, because this is the most suitable place for a fly to lay … Read more

Why do dark objects look smaller than bright objects?

The Answer: The simple answer: the brain is tricked into thinking the dark object is smaller because of how the brain perceives color. The human mind is a complex array of nerve bundles sending electrical signals from the brain to the body. The brain stores memories, controls our breathing and heartbeat, and … Read more

Why do we rub our eyes when we are tired?

Doing your daily morning workout or other physical activities will make you feel tired. This tiredness will often cause our sweat glands to produce more sweat in our body to help control body temperature. At the same time, we will feel a mild itch sensation in our eyes. We often cross with … Read more