Do moths really eat clothes?

Do moths really eat clothes?

Have you ever experienced opening your wardrobe just to find out that there is damage to your clothes? This experience is relatable to many people, and it is sure to bring frustration to anyone who encounters it. Upon checking, you realized that moths are living in your wardrobe, which causes the damages … Read more

Can a housefly see in all the directions at a time?

The housefly, or more commonly known as fly, that we know today is a pest that humans could interact with often. They are mostly present in dirty places, mainly in areas with food waste, decaying dead organic matter, and feces, because this is the most suitable place for a fly to lay … Read more

Do bees really hum as they fly? If yes then why?

Bee is the generic name for a large family of insects, with over 16,000 known species. These species include the western honey bee, known for producing natural honey and beeswax. Despite their tiny appearance, studies show that they are the most important insects in the animal kingdom, due to their capabilities to … Read more