What are the Dangers of Fibroids?

Fibroids are one of the many problems that make the female reproductive system a real “blessing” to have, and 80% of women are likely to experience this problem at some point in their lives. It is more common in some women than others, and while there are certainly genetic and biochemical factors that determine this, more clinical studies, many more, in fact, are needed before anyone can really know what those may be. It can be difficult to know when you are suffering from fibroids, says a, we will look over fibroids symptoms, and talk a little bit about the different types of fibroids, as well as the dangers of this problem.

This is something to be taken seriously, because in severe enough cases, fibroids can actually lead to complications which may be fatal, and for women who wish to have children, they can seriously mess up your reproductive system, in some cases, permanently if not properly dealt with. There do exist treatments to help reduce the recurrence of fibroids, as well as procedures to eliminate existing fibroids, but that is beyond the scope of this particular article, though we may discuss that sometime in the future.


First, let’s talk about fibroids symptoms, because those will be your first sign that you have the problem, and they will help to exemplify the dangers of this problem. Frequent urination, general feelings of illness, lower back pain, heavy bleeding during menstrual cycles (or even not during the cycle), reproductive difficulties, complications during pregnancy and labor, lower abdominal enlargement, and pain during sex our primary symptoms of fibroids.

The tricky thing is that several other things can cause the symptoms, though they are a common source of the symptoms. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor, and have them check first and foremost for fibroids.

What are fibroids?

Fibroids are non-cancerous, tumorous growth in the muscle, their precise cause not entirely known. They can be as small as something like an apple or watermelon seed, but can get as big as grapefruit or oranges as well. In some, rare, cases, they can become much larger.

There are various types of fibroids, such as intramural ones which grow within the muscle walls of the uterus, submucosal fibroids which can grow within the uterine cavity, subserosal, which can grow along the outer wall of the uterus, and prenucleated, which grow on a thin stalk, and these are the least-common of them.

What are the dangers?

Fibroids are primarily a uterine disorder, and thus they can cause serious hazards to a female reproductive system. They can render a woman incapable of reproduction, or cause serious complications with pregnancies. Being part of the reproductive system, they can also severely impact quality of life by way of intimacy with partners, and even make general arousal a painful experience.

Even for women who live in a sexual lifestyle, and whom have no interest in reproduction, fibroids can cause all kinds of pain, and can even cause potentially fatal danger as they do damage to this very sensitive, very blood-heavy organ. They should be taken very seriously, even when they are minor in severity.