What is Liquid Thermocol?

You might know what thermocol is and how it is made. But the question is, do you know about the liquid form of thermocol? And what is its manufacturing process? If you are one of those, who are uninformed about it, no problem because we have put together a brief guide on how to deal with liquid thermocol.

Liquid thermocol is a synthetic material that is created with the help of polystyrene. The source of polystyrene is petroleum, and its density is variable. The consumption rate of liquid thermocol is very low; for example, its use is two times less than PVA or any additional component in the market for this purpose.

Specifications of Liquid Thermocol

The important qualifications of liquid thermocol are as follows:

Size and Type of Packaging

If you want to buy a liquid form of thermocol, you will get it in gallons. The packaging size varies according to your need. If you want liquid thermocol for megaprojects, you will get it in 30kg gallons.

Temperature Range

The liquid thermocol temperature range is between -30 to 210° C. There are special instructions about the liquid thermocol temperature on their packaging boxes. If you follow them, liquid thermocol, you can use the product for a long time.

Shelf Time

The time in which liquid thermocol is best to use is a maximum of 6 months. So, always buy it according to your need because liquid thermocol has a short life period.


It has ten times more strength than those adhesive components that are commonly available on the market.

Drying Time of Liquid Thermocol

It takes 30 minutes to dry liquid thermocol.


Liquid thermocol has a cheaper manufacturing cost.


Liquid thermocol is present in most people’s everyday life. The furniture industry is one of the big markets where it is used at a large level. Ceramic materials use liquid thermocol for their coating, while other industries, like stones and metal, also use it for many purposes. Due to variable flexibility and strength, liquid thermocol is very famous in the insulation market.

Hazards of Liquid Thermocol

The materials that are taken out of petrol, like liquid thermocol, are highly flammable. When they are burned, they release toxic fumes that are very harmful and fatal to humans. These gases and fumes produced as the result of burning liquid thermocol can be deadly to the nervous system, which is important to every bodily function.

Liquid thermocol can cause severe eye irritation when you use it without eye protection. It can also cause allergy or asthma symptoms and breathing difficulties of inhaled. Furthermore, it can be very harmful to aquatic life. It has a long-lasting effect on aquatic animals because of its chemical composition.

Precautions for Liquid Thermocol

There are some precautions you must take while dealing with liquid thermocol. When you are in contact with it, make sure to wear protective gloves, clothing, eye protection, and face protection.

You should also avoid not taking a breath in vapors of liquid thermocol. If there is inadequate ventilation in the area where you are dealing with liquid thermocol, you should wear respiratory protection gear.

In case you have liquid thermocol on your skin, you should wash it with plenty of soap and water without wasting any time because it can be hazardous and cause allergies or rashes on your skin. If it gets in the eye, continue rinsing with water for several minutes, and in case you have your lens on, remove your contact lens immediately.

Because of their chemical composition, materials like Styrofoam or liquid thermocol can cause serious environmental problems. That’s the reason why these types of materials are disposed of in safe, controlled conditions. There are regulations to dispose of contents and containers of these products.  No damage to the environment will occur if you follow proper safety guidelines.


Liquid thermocol is very cheap and easily available on markets. It has more strength and less consumption than PVA. However, to use liquid thermocol, you have to be very careful because it can cause serious problems if you tackle it with carelessness.