Why is it necessary to sleep every night?

Why is it necessary to sleep every night

Tiffany has this habit of sleeping for long hours, reaching almost 10 hours each night. Will it make her more energized since she had rested for so long, and maybe has stored a lot of power for the next day? If sleeping beauty did not have that magical kiss, will she be … Read more

What are the causes and treatments of pimples or acne?

Acne is a skin condition that takes a toll on someone’s confidence. It can appear in forms of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. While acne is common among teenagers, it can affect people regardless of age, and commonly appears on the face, forehead, shoulders, chest, and the upper back. Different factors lead to … Read more

How does an artificial heart work? Who was the first recipient?

The human heart is a vital organ that acts like an engine that keeps everything. It pumps around 2,000 gallons of blood a day, maintaining circulations and oxygen throughout the lungs and body. However, if it’s not taken care of properly, it will deteriorate like an engine, pump less effectively, and break … Read more

Which is the heaviest organ in human body?

You might be surprised, but the heaviest organ in the human body is the skin, which makes sense as it is also the largest organ in the body. There are around 60 organs in the body, with each one performs specialized tasks. They aren’t all internal like the heart or the brain. … Read more

What causes some people to faint all of a sudden?

Fainting, also referred to as Syncope, occurs when you suddenly lose consciousness, due to a drop in your blood pressure or when your brain fails to get sufficient amounts of oxygen. While the cause of fainting often tends to be minor, it can also be an indication of an underlying illness. Individuals … Read more

What is tetanus? What causes it?

When you were a kid, have you heard your parents telling you always to wear your slippers or shoes whenever going out of your house, and avoid stepping on the ground bare-feet? Aside from your feet may be thorn by sharp and pointed objects on the ground, maybe, your mother knew about … Read more

Why does sore throat look red?

Celine was very excited to perform in their school’s musical competition. She has practiced her song piece several times in a day, became strict with her diet, and observed enough sleep. She did vocalization every morning. One day, when she wakes up, she felt sick. She was sneezing and feeling a little … Read more