Why do we lose the sense of smell when we have a cold?

Why do we lose the sense of smell when we have a cold

The cold is one of the most common viral infections of the nose and throat. It can strike you any time, especially when your immune system is at a low. Around 100 rhinoviruses are present that cause over half of the colds you experience. Once you catch them, they can result in … Read more

How can doctors tell our temperature by feeling our pulse?

There is a connection between the rate at which our pulse beats and the temperature of our body. They go more or less together. So, when the doctor counts pulse rate and finds that it is just the rate it should be, he also expects to find the temperature quite usual. If … Read more

What is the function of the outer ear or pinna?

The human ear is divided into three main parts, and these are the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. The first part is the outer ear, where the hearing process does not take place. In scientific terminology, the outer ear is called the pinna. Like a funnel, the pinna … Read more

What does a virus look like? How does it function?

Do you remember the last time you caught a fever, cold, or a sore throat? Chances are the culprit are the most infinitesimal creature on Earth – viruses. They can infect all living things, be it from plants, animals, bacteria, archaea, and even other viruses. These tiny invaders target the cells and … Read more

How does the pain killer Aspirin work inside the body?

Aspirin has been in the market since 1899, relieving people’s pains, fevers and inflammation. Scientific research has shown that the drug works because it affects the body’s production of prostaglandins. These substances, produced in response to stress, are in a way, opposites of aspirin: they heighten pain and stimulate fever and inflammation. Ordinarily, … Read more

How does the human body make blood?

Blood is essential in the human body. Without it circulating and carrying oxygen and nutrients, people won’t live. Its function is so crucial that the body continuously makes new blood. But, have you ever wondered how it is able to do so? The average adult has nearly 10 pints of blood, which … Read more

What is the reason for sneezing?

When something peculiar to the body enters the nostrils, or when there is swelling on the nose’s internal surface for some reason, the sensory cells in the nostrils will send a message of alarm to the brain. The message is couriered by a nerve called the trigeminal to the center of the … Read more