How does gargling with salt water help to cure a sore throat?

How does gargling with salt water help to cure sore throat?

Sore throat is a condition that is commonly known as pain in the throat. It is caused by viral infections, such as cold and flu. Inflammation is caused due to the infection. It is a known fact that about 7.5% of people of the total population get affected by this infection once … Read more

What is the reason for somnambulism (sleepwalking)?

The condition of walking in sleep is known as somnambulism, and scientists and researchers have not been able to solve the mysteries surrounding this condition yet. Though the cause of getting this particular illness is unknown, several researchers have made in-depth psychological and physiological studies to “sleepwalkers.” A person who is fast … Read more

What causes hiccups and how they can be cured?

One hiccup is funny, twice can be hilarious, but having more than that can be extremely annoying when you have them. But, have you ever wondered where these little weird sounds come from? Well, the science underlying this strange body function is super amusing. Hiccups, which is also spelled as hiccoughs, occur … Read more

What’s the reason for and benefits of fever and body temperature rise?

Are there any advantages to a fever? This is a really important question, because many people who habitually take tablets to suppress fever are not aware of the advantages of this condition. Ordinarily, when infectious viruses or bacteria enter the body, blood cells known as T-cells identify them as foreign invaders and … Read more