Does Astrology Work in Real Life?

A time-lapse of the moon

The debate about whether astrology actually works or not is divided mainly between the scientists and the believers. Most scientists state that astrology does not work, but those who believe in this concept will disagree. However, neither party is really wrong.  Astrology refers to the concept that the alignment of the moons, … Read more

What is Liquid Thermocol?

You might know what thermocol is and how it is made. But the question is, do you know about the liquid form of thermocol? And what is its manufacturing process? If you are one of those, who are uninformed about it, no problem because we have put together a brief guide on … Read more

What is a Tankless Water Heater? What Are Its Benefits?

A tankless water heater is also known as a demand-type or instantaneous water heater. It provides hot water only when needed; thus, it does not produce the standby energy losses associated with storage water heaters. This means you can save your money! How tankless water heater works The water is directly heated … Read more

What makes a substance greasy or sticky on a molecular level?

Studying the molecular composition of everyday items has fascinated us ever since we could see them under a microscope. How and what a substance is composed of, understandably, goes on to decide how that substance behaves. We have brittle solids that appear rigid but snap when bended, elastic solids that can be … Read more

Why does a laser pointer have a grainy pattern in the beam?

If you ever tried to use a laser pointer, then you probably notice its quite strange appearance after pointing it. If we observe the laser on a surface, we could see that there is a grainy pattern on its beam? Lasers are great works of physics, and it holds several scientific explanations … Read more