Why do we lose the sense of smell when we have a cold?

Why do we lose the sense of smell when we have a cold

The cold is one of the most common viral infections of the nose and throat. It can strike you any time, especially when your immune system is at a low. Around 100 rhinoviruses are present that cause over half of the colds you experience. Once you catch them, they can result in … Read more

What does the word ‘Cola’ mean in Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola etc.?

Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are famous carbonated beverages sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines worldwide, except for Cuba and North Korea. In most places, Coca-Cola is introduced under the name of Coke. Asa Griggs Candler led the marketing tactics that made Coke world-famous. Coke first produced the drink and was then sold … Read more

Who is the inventor of sellotape? (Richard G. Drew)

The name of the inventor of sellotape is Richard G. Drew, who was an American citizen and a chemical engineer by profession. Drew worked as a researcher in the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (now known as 3M after initial letters of the first three words). There, he got considerable experience of … Read more

Who owns the Internet? Is it the US Government?

The simple answer to the question written above is this: nobody yet everybody owns the internet. The system of interconnected networks called the internet was originally developed by the US Government, specifically the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), because it had provided necessary benefits to the functions of the United States Department … Read more

Why does iron sink in water but floats on mercury?

Floating or sinking dramatically depends on the comparative differences between the two objects’ density. Density refers to how much space a substance or object takes, or its volume, as compared to the amount of matter present in that substance or object, or its mass. To put it simply, density pertains to the … Read more