How does blood pressure measuring apparatus (sphygmomanometer) work?

How does blood pressure measuring apparatus (sphygmomanometer) work?

As a dynamic pump, the heart forces the blood around an impressive network of arteries and veins which, if joined end to end, would circle the Earth two-and-a-half times. The pressure that is exerted during this process can most conveniently be measured in the brachial artery that passes through the upper arm. … Read more

Why does heat make paper curl up?

Paper is an essential part of daily life. We use it for a variety of materials and utilized for various purposes, such as writing, printing, wrapping things, decorations, currency, and even for industrial and construction processes. While it is undoubtedly beneficial for us, don’t expose it to heat and fire, or else, … Read more

Who invented Intel’s first Pentium chip?

In today’s world, whether we are a computer wizard or not much of a tech-savvy, we might probably know the American technology company – Intel.  Intel, also known as Intel Corporation, is one of the world’s largest technology companies. It reigned the computer age because of its advanced technology and innovation when … Read more

How can doctors tell our temperature by feeling our pulse?

There is a connection between the rate at which our pulse beats and the temperature of our body. They go more or less together. So, when the doctor counts pulse rate and finds that it is just the rate it should be, he also expects to find the temperature quite usual. If … Read more

Do our brains work while we are asleep?

A lot of people know that most of the parts of our body stop functioning when we sleep, putting them into a state which allows them to rest and regenerate. When we sleep, our body naturally regenerates cells and remove toxins, which is why sleep is essential for us. However, our bodies … Read more

Which bird lays the largest egg?

What Is It? Ostrich Being the largest among the extant bird species on planet Earth, the Ostrich lays the largest eggs in the world too. While it cannot fly, its incredible speed makes up for this lack of ability. Its agility is handy when pursuing intruders in its nest or when running … Read more