How is the mating ritual of octopus?

How is the mating ritual of octopus?

Nature is full of wonders and strange things that would blow our mind if we look closely enough. From the mind-bending events taking place in space, to the amazing things animals and plants do on our own planet. The animal kingdom is full of all kinds of weird wonders and fantastical activities. … Read more

Why is chocolate poisonous to dogs?

Chocolate is one of the most favorite delicacies for the people around the world. Everyone loves to have a taste of the sweet, thick food. However, many of you might have heard chocolate is harmful for dogs. Isn’t it rather puzzling? Why a substance harmless to humans would be harmful to dogs? … Read more

Can snakes swim? If yes, how do they swim?

The Answer: Snakes are some of the most unique creatures on the planet. They have no limbs, only move through strong abdominal muscles, and some can hardly see, but simultaneously are some of the deadliest predators on the planet. They hunt with camouflage, guile, and precision. They sneak through underbrush, climb up … Read more

Is it true that Candiru fish can swim upstream into your urethra?

The Amazon is the largest river in South America, as well as a notorious candidate for some of the deadliest fish found in the world. It is home to about 2, 500 species of animals. From the largest freshwater fish, the Arapaima, to the famous red-bellied piranha, with gnashers sharp enough to … Read more

Why do dogs run behind cars and bikes?

It was pleasant, sunny weather when Ricky decided to go out for an early morning exercise with his dog Dumbo. While they were coming closer to a nearby park, a man in his bicycle passes by Ricky and his dog. Ricky was so shocked when Dumbo suddenly speeds up running and chase … Read more

How is noise pollution killing whales?

As we have slowly made our mark on the world and started to cultivate it to our liking and preferences, we have had a noticeable impact on the lives of many other species that share this world with us. We have sometimes even directly led to the extinction of a few species. … Read more