What is the Only Butterfly that Migrates as Birds Do?

What is the Only Butterfly that Migrates as Birds Do?

The monarch butterfly, also called the ‘king’ of the butterfly world, is a species with an intricate cycle every year. The monarch butterfly undergoes four generations in a year, and each generation is distinguished into four distinct life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Monarch butterflies are also the only butterflies that … Read more

How do chicken eggs not crack inside their body?

This is a fascinating question that can come up in any human mind. Considering the fact that an egg is enclosed in a shell that is easily broken by us, how can it not break inside the hen? What is the mystery behind this phenomenon and why do we not see this … Read more

How did sexual reproduction first develop in animals?

It is difficult to say how it first came about, but some key factors can be used to determine. First, the main difference between sexual and asexual reproduction is that sexual reproduction “reorganizes” the parent DNA into a new pattern, while asexual is essentially the parent self-cloning. By being able to reorganize … Read more

How complex are animal “languages”?

Animal Language In animals, a tremendous variety of intelligence and alternately, cleverness is seen. This often translates directly to the complexity of their language. It’s important to realize that language is not limited to vocal elements. Body language, smell, and dances are also counted as a source of communication between animals. However, … Read more

Why some animals seem to enjoy human affection?

Do you have a dog that loves to cuddle? Or, a cat that rubs you every time for asking snuggle? Have you seen viral videos showing animals enjoying warm hugs? They inevitably seem to enjoy affection. But why do they do so? What do they get from us? Social bonds? Food? Pleasure? … Read more

How do predators eat poisonous spiders and not die?

Our planet is a beautiful melting pot of millions of different kinds of life. It is a painting that splashes together a thousand colors, but does so in such an incredible way that they all flow together and come together to create something truly splendid. In short, our planet is an amalgamation … Read more