Why is the center of the Earth still hot?

The Earth is already 4.6 billion years into its existence, yet the lava at its core is still not freezing, as it continues to remain at a stable temperature. The internal heat of the Earth is caused mainly by four sources. The first source is the approximately 10,000 degrees Celsius of heat … Read more

Have the oceans always been salty?

Have you ever wondered why beach water is salty while lake water is not? Ever thought about how this salt ended up within the sea? If yes, then let’s see what the story behind it is. The world that we live and breathe in was not always like this. When the earth … Read more

How is noise pollution killing whales?

As we have slowly made our mark on the world and started to cultivate it to our liking and preferences, we have had a noticeable impact on the lives of many other species that share this world with us. We have sometimes even directly led to the extinction of a few species. … Read more

Which has been the highest officially recorded sea wave?

The highest ever documented sea wave was recorded on July 9, 1958, in Lituya Bay, on the southeast part of Alaska. An earthquake set off a sequence of events that resulted in the 1,720 feet megatsunami. It’s good to note that the highest, badness sea waves don’t rise that quickly. Strong winds … Read more

What would happen if Earth passed through a comet’s tail?

Nothing would happen to the Earth if a comet passed through it, except that we would be bear witness to a breath-taking space fireworks display. The meteoritic dust found in the comet’s tail would be burned up by the air’s friction in the atmosphere, just as meteors are consumed and transformed into … Read more