How did the oceans get polluted with mercury?

Mercury is a heavy metal, which is liquid at room temperature. And while we may only have seen it trapped in glass in thermometers, marine animals, unfortunately, have had a much worse experience. Being a part of the heavy metal family means that mercury stays where it reaches. It is not destroyed … Read more

How are oases formed in deserts?

Deserts are not ideal places for humans to inhabit. The harsh conditions are not suitable for any creature, let alone humans. Yet, there is something that makes human habitation possible in the vast sea of sand. These are the oases. In geological terms, an oasis is an isolated area of fertile land, … Read more

When and how were the Himalayas formed?

The Himalayas or Himalaya is regarded as the tallest mountain range in the world. Its name is derived from a Sanskrit word that means “abode of the snow,” as this natural wonder has the third-largest deposit of snow and ice after the North and South Poles. The Himalayas mountain range extends for … Read more

What is Geothermal Energy? What is its source?

We need the energy to light up our homes and offices, cook our food, and power our appliances and vehicles. There are many energy sources in the world –nuclear, fossil, and renewable sources like wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal. The energy is converted to electricity, a secondary energy source, to your home … Read more

What are the principal layers of the atmosphere of Earth?

Earth is the lone planet in the Solar System that can support life. Thanks to its atmosphere and the array of gases it holds, we can breathe and remain safe from the harmful rays and radiation of the Sun.  Earth’s atmosphere is roughly 480 kilometers or 300 miles thick. It is divided … Read more