Why is a problem in a computer program called a bug?

We don’t like bugs! Especially bed bugs, pests that may invade our homes and pose harm to us. All bugs are insects; however, not all insects are bugs. But wait, here’s another bug that we may not like too. Computer bugs! In this digital age, we cannot deny the significance of computers … Read more

Which was the world’s first communication satellite? (Echo-1)

NASA had been working for a while to come up with the world’s first communication satellite. Since the project was bound to be complex, NASA encountered numerous hurdles along the way until it was finally prepared to try its experiment in 1960. The experiment initiated from Project Echo, which was the first … Read more

How does an ejection seat work in a fighter aircraft?

Before World War 2, the only way for a pilot to escape an incapacitated aircraft was to bail out! He had no other way than to jump, but that was almost impossible due to the compression forces, the high flow of air past the aircraft and the possibility of fatal injuries. However, … Read more

Who invented the first personal computer, and when?

Intel Core i9, AMD Ryzen series, and RTX 2020 – are just some common parts you’ll see in a custom-built Personal Computer, or what we commonly know as “PC.” But when exactly did this advanced computing technology started that we know today? The actual first personal computers were introduced in 1975, which … Read more

Who owns the Internet? Is it the US Government?

The simple answer to the question written above is this: nobody yet everybody owns the internet. The system of interconnected networks called the internet was originally developed by the US Government, specifically the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), because it had provided necessary benefits to the functions of the United States Department … Read more

Who invented Intel’s first Pentium chip?

In today’s world, whether we are a computer wizard or not much of a tech-savvy, we might probably know the American technology company – Intel.  Intel, also known as Intel Corporation, is one of the world’s largest technology companies. It reigned the computer age because of its advanced technology and innovation when … Read more