Where is all the information data on the Internet stored?

Where is all the information data on the Internet stored?

The Answer: The Internet is a vast maze. It is incredibly hard to quantify and sometimes almost impossible to truly navigate. A complex array of machinery, coding, and processing power is needed to run even a single computer, much less the behemoth that is the Internet. Information on the Internet is exchanged … Read more

How long did the first light bulb stay lit?

This is the photograph of the first incandescent bulb, and it was made by Thomas Edison. With more than one thousand patent to his name and his company, Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most celebrated inventors in the history. His first job was of a telegraph operator at a train station, … Read more

What is RSS feed and RSS aggregator?

Can you imagine how many websites are currently active, plus the ones added every day? How much more content do you think are produced every hour or every day. That would be too much to handle. The task of keeping up with what’s happening online becomes so hard. Work-from-home is the new … Read more

What is email spam? Where is the word ‘spam’ derived from?

Meet John, a young professional currently working from home due to coronavirus pandemic. John has a habit of checking his email whenever he wakes up (well, at least after spending some time in his social media accounts). But he gets upset because before he can read important emails, he has to skip … Read more

Which gasses are used in electric bulbs? Or is a vacuum left inside?

Electric bulbs are filled with inert gases. The actual type of gas used differs depending on the variety of the electric bulb. As the filament ignites, tungsten particles move away from the filament, resulting in the filament’s weakening and eventual breakage through time. But, the existence of inert gases within the light … Read more

How do machines mimic human speech?

The idea of non-humans learning to talk like us has piqued our interest as a species for a very long time. It is one of the reasons that parrots are such a common house pet; their ability to learn to speak making them exotic birds that fascinate and entertain. Similarly, the concept … Read more