Why does a person weigh different at different places on our planet?

Most of us dreamt of having a fit and healthy body. That is why we try to follow strict diet programs and go to the gym once in a while. At the same time,  some of us just want to have an average looking body that doesn’t rely on strict eating programs.

Everywhere we go, our weight is one thing that we often look after, and we can quickly determine whether a person gains or loses weight. Have you ever tried to go to a family reunion and be surprised to see your childhood relatives? Upon seeing them, you would’ve noticed that they either gain weight or lose some pounds.

This scenario is familiar to us since sometimes we can perceive weight just by looking at a person, although it is not the case all the time. It is not only our diet and health that contribute to our weight. Surprisingly, the place we live in is also one significant factor that influences our overall weight.

Why do our weight varies from our location?

Our weight indeed varies in different locations, and particularly from various cities, states, and countries. There are multiple reasons for our body’s changing weight, including the shape of the planet. We could say that gravity all around the globe is the same, but this is not entirely true since our planet is not a perfect circle, but an oblate spheroid.

Meaning to say, some places in our world is closer to the center, and some are not; Specifically, the countries on the equator are farther from the center, and those in the north and south poles are closer. Because of this, a person standing on the planet’s equator will be lighter, while those standing in the poles will be heavier.

If we are standing in the equator, we are roughly 21 km farther from the center of the Earth compared to when we are standing on the poles. This difference is pretty much recognizable since it is covering a considerable distance from the Earth. This difference is similar to when we are riding an airplane. If the aircraft is flying high in the sky, our body would have the same mass, but it would have slightly lesser weight. The reason for this comes with the same principle as to when we are on the equator; our body will be lighter. So it is safe to say that the farther our distance from the center of the Earth, the less weight we have, and the closer we are to the core, then we would be heavier.

How do people weigh in different countries?

We already established the fact that people vary in weight in various parts of the globe. Besides gravity, other factors are contributing to the overall weight of a person. Meaning to say, regardless of a person’s location, our diet, environment, and lifestyle play a vital role in determining our weight, as much as our health.

We measure a person’s weight using kilograms, which most people use around the globe. Although in the United States and in the United Kingdom, they use pounds as the basic unit of measurement for weight.

The average weight of people around the world changes over the years; due to drastic changes in our environment, culture, and technology. On a global scale, the average weight of a person is 62 kg or 136 lbs.

Here is a list of the average weight in different countries:

  • Australia – male 85 kg, female 70 kg
  • Bangladesh – male 56 kg, female 43 kg
  • Brazil – male 72 kg, female 62 kg
  • Belarus – male 69 kg, female 56 kg
  • Canada – male 80 kg, female 68 kg
  • Chile – male 77 kg, female 67 kg
  • France – male 77 kg, female 62 kg
  • Germany – male 82 kg, female 67 kg
  • Japan – male 61 kg, female 51 kg
  • North Korea – male 59 kg, female 47 kg
  • South Korea – male 68 kg, female 56 kg
  • Sweden – male 81 kg, female 66 kg
  • UK – Wales – male 84 kg, female 69 kg
  • USA – male 88 kg, female 74 kg
  • Russia – male 73, female 69 kg
  • Vietnam – male 58, female 45 kg