Your home is a sanctuary where you ought to feel happier and healthier. Sadly, however, several U.S. citizens are living in unhealthy homes infested by pests, pollen, and pollutants. Addressing these harmful substances is the most effective way to create a healthier indoor environment. Making your humble abode healthier means overcoming stress, preventing major diseases, and improving the quality of your sleep.

Let’s explore some surefire ways to transform your living space into a healthy haven. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Get rid of mold and asbestos

Check every nook and cranny for common household pollutants, such as mold, mildew, asbestos, dust mites, pet danders, and others. Be mindful of lead, radon, mercury, and carbon monoxide as well. Fix your carbon monoxide detector or get a new one to ensure your family’s well-being.

Asbestos is one of the most dangerous substances to look out for, as it can lead to deadly ailments like mesothelioma. Sadly, only a handful of Americans have tested their homes for asbestos when it still may be lurking in their walls, attics, roofs, floor tiles, and other places. Even cosmetics and children’s toys can sometimes contain dangerous amounts of asbestos.

If you were exposed to this harmful material by using asbestos-containing products, it’s time to take legal action. Look for a competent asbestos law firm to take up your case, gather ample evidence, and demand compensation from the manufacturers. Even if manufacturers have gone bankrupt, lawyers can get you that compensation from asbestos trust funds set up for mesothelioma victims.

2. Get exposed to natural light

Make the most of daylight by opening all blinds and letting ample natural light come inside the house. Sunlight’s health-boosting properties help you fight off seasonal blues and remain stress-free for the whole day. Natural light helps you get adequate sleep, improves your circadian rhythm, and bolsters your body’s Vitamin D production abilities. You also become more productive by sitting in the sun.

You can increase natural light by painting your walls white, placing mirrors strategically, and installing solar tubes or skylights. Also, don’t block your windows and clean them constantly.

3. Recolor your house properly

Homeowners mostly recolor their properties to increase the monetary value of their houses. However, there are health benefits of repainting a house as well. It makes a forlorn, worn-out structure appear more aesthetically pleasing. Colors deeply affect how we feel; different colors make us sadder, happier, more violent, or more comfortable. So, choosing a neutral color scheme for your house’s interior can make it more relaxing.

But don’t choose paints containing harmful VOCs; buy healthier alternatives instead.

4. Make your house greener

If you wear a mask to keep yourself safe from all those nasty pollutants outside, protecting yourself against indoor air pollution is far more important. Data shows that the level of indoor air pollution may reach 2 to 5 times that of outdoor air pollution. These harmful particles cause headaches, respiratory illnesses, and eye, nose, or throat irritation. So, what can you do about it?

A simple solution for indoor air pollution lies in placing air-purifying plants throughout the house, like Aloe Vera, English Ivies, and Peace Lillies. These plants will suck all the toxins out of the air and make your home’s air more breathable.

5. Declutter your living space

Clutter takes up useful space in the house and affects your mental health. A clutter-infested will make your house’s inhabitants less focused and more prone to anxiety. If you live in a cluttered environment, your sleep pattern will be affected, and you’ll become increasingly disorganized. Also, clutter increases your cortisol levels, making you more vulnerable to stress.

So, get rid of clutter by throwing away your excess stuff or donating it to charity. Tackle your attic and basement four times a year so you can make your living space more open and spacious.

6. Purchase soy candles instead

Instead of using candles made of paraffin, burn soy-based candles that produce less soot and don’t emit any harmful chemicals. They are also inexpensive and scented with natural oils. They burn cleaner and longer, making your house pleasant-smelling and uplifting everyone’s mood.

Combined with house plants, soy-based scented candles make your living space more relaxed so you sleep soundly and wake up refreshed every morning.

7. Use safer cleaning products

Just like traditional paints, traditional cleaning products may contain harmful elements, such as VOCs. The dangerous fumes often emitted by inorganic chemical-based cleaning agents lead to respiratory problems and cause eye irritation. Also, they’re really bad for the environment!

When used carefully and cautiously, bleach and other chemicals pose no serious health risk. But it’s a lot safer if you switch to natural cleaning products, mainly if you have kids or pets in the house. This way, you can improve your indoor air quality and be more environmentally conscious.

8. Create a no-technology zone

Too much exposure to electronics isn’t healthy, especially for younger consumers. Using too much technology can lead to weight, sleep, and behavioral problems in kids. They also begin to perform poorly in school. And even adults may suffer from back pain and anxiety because of being too tech-dependent. That’s why you should create a no-technology “zen zone” in the house.

Assign a room where nobody’s allowed to use electronics. You can go there to relax, be more mindful of your surroundings, and learn to overcome your technology addiction.

9. Redesign your living space

The layout of your home and the placement of your furniture are major factors contributing to your wellness. Making some major or minor changes to the design of your home can enhance your mental health. For instance, consider making these improvements:

  • Renovate your house to make it more spacious
  • Embrace an open-plan design instead of separate rooms
  • Creating a decent office space so they can work from home
  • Making the house more eco-friendly with enough soundproofing
  • Making accommodations from grandparents or grown-up children


A healthy indoor environment doesn’t only provide comfort and relaxation but also promotes your well-being. Follow the guidelines mentioned here to make your home healthier for your family. Recolor the house, throw away the clutter, place some indoor plants, and check for asbestos in the corners.

These simple tips enhance indoor air quality and transform your dwelling into a safer living space.