Common Mistakes to Avoid When Moving

Going through all the aspects of the moving process can be stressful and many people who are moving for the first time are caught off guard when they encounter issues.

No matter how much experience you have when it comes to relocating, there’s no guarantee that there will be no challenges during your next move. However, you can always use past experiences in improving certain aspects and avoid certain challenges.

Here are some of the common mistakes that you need to avoid like the plague:

Not having enough or the right packing materials

One of the most common mistakes committed by people who move is underestimating the amount of items they need to move. Even if you feel that you don’t have too many items stored in your rooms or cabinets, it’s likely that you won’t have enough packing materials to get everything ready for the move. To avoid a shortage of packing materials as you start wrapping and packing your items, it is highly recommended that you gather as many materials as you can.

If you’re hiring professional removalists to help you pack and move your belongings, you won’t need to worry about this as they can easily determine the amount needed when they visit your home for inspection.

Skipping research

Since the moving process involves a lot of tasks, it’s easy to forget the simple yet crucial parts. No matter the place and size of your move, spend enough time to look into important details that will be useful to you throughout the moving process.

Prior to making any decisions about your move, look into crucial details that you will need. If you’re having trouble on where to start, here are topics that you might find useful:

  • Requirements for moving to (city name);
  • What to expect when moving to another city/state;
  • Moving checklist for moving to (city or country);
  • Tips on packing fragile items.

If it’s your first time moving, consider looking into helpful tips for preparing your belongings for the move. Whilst it does not completely eliminate moving-related issues, it helps in reducing factors that may cause unnecessary stress. Adequate research also helps in managing expectations regarding the move.

Failing to Label Boxes

Unpacking and organising your belongings when they arrive in your new home can be challenging. Fortunately, there are several ways to make this part of the process much easier for you. It may take a few extra steps, but it works wonders, especially once you start feeling the stress of the move.

Make sure you have all the materials you need before starting. If not, get quality packing materials from stores near you. When you start packing, label moving boxes with the contents and the rooms that the boxes/containers will go into. This makes it easier to locate items and allows more efficient organisation of your belongings, consider colour-coding your labels, markers, or tapes. To make it easier to locate items and allow more efficient organisation of your belongings, consider colour-coding your labels, markers, or tapes.

Overlooking paperwork and other essentials

Once you start with the manual labour for the move, it’s easy to overlook the paperwork and other aspects that also require your attention. To avoid the inconvenience of having to rush everything a few days before your scheduled moving day, take care of the essentials and paperwork first. Another option is to create a detailed schedule or checklist on when you need to accomplish certain tasks. Ideally, prioritise the paperwork and change the address for mail and utilities.


A lot of people underestimate the time it takes to prepare and pack items for the move, so they don’t start packing until only a few days before the move.

Procrastinating and waiting until the last minute to start to begin with the preparation and packing of your belongings will result in unnecessary stress. It also compromises the quality of the packing as everything is rushed.

To avoid unnecessary stress, start packing as soon as you have finalised your moving date. Start sorting your items early on and start packing seasonal items and belongings that you won’t need immediately after the move.

Forgetting to clean your old home

When you’re in a hurry to move to your new residence, it might be tempting to leave your home without giving it a quick clean. However, leaving behind a mess may cause you to lose your deposit.

It is also a common courtesy to have the place professionally cleaned as soon as you move out or before the new tenants or owners arrive.

Not packing an essential or overnight bag

No matter the size of your move, it’s best to prepare an essential or overnight bag, especially if you and your belongings are not arriving in your new residence at the same time. Packing an essential bag helps ensure that you will have enough supply of essential items whilst waiting for your belongings to arrive.

You can pack a few days’ worth of clothes and supplies in a bag or a smaller box that you can easily open and unpack. Even if your items are delivered on the same day, you won’t have to unpack several boxes to get what you need. You can rest on the first day and easily grab what you need from your essentials bag.