Which are the longest sleeping animals, after sloth?

Which are the longest sleeping animals after sloth

Sleep is equally essential for all the animals found on this planet. But some animals require more sleep than others. This habit has been bestowed upon them by nature since they cannot fight against predators in the forest. When it is not possible to save oneself through the fight, the best way … Read more

Why some birds like Ostrich, Kiwi, and Penguins are flightless?

Why some birds like Ostrich, Kiwi and Penguins are flightless

Have you ever wished you were a falcon, soaring in great heights and diving steeply at high speeds? How about being an eagle, rising mightily above the prairie? For the longest time, most of us ruefully watched birds as they ascend to the sky through their wings. However, you might be surprised … Read more

What is the world’s largest vulture? And where is it seen?

What is the world's largest vulture? And where is it seen?

Vultures are among the largest birds of prey, but they come in varying sizes themselves. There are several species within the vulture category, and it’s believed that the largest of these are Condor Vulture, also known as the Andean Condor. The physical details of this bird are as follows: Maximum wingspan: 3.2 … Read more

Why do the snakes living in deserts move sideways?

Why do the snakes living in deserts move sideways

Snakes usually move thorough lateral undulation, wherein it slithers on the ground moving forward through alternating contraction and relaxations of muscles. However, snakes living in the desert, move sideways in the crumbly, hot, sandy soils. Sidewinding is the term used to refer to the sideway of movements of snakes. It is a … Read more

Do parrots know what they are talking about?

Do parrots know what they are talking about?

Out of all the bird species around the globe, there are someknown to have the ability to talk, and these talking birds could learn up to a hundred words. One famous example of a talking bird is the parrot. Parrots are a vast group of birds mostly found in tropical and subtropical … Read more

Why deer have antlers? What are they made of?

Why deer have antlers What are they made of

Each spring in nearly all forests in the continental United States, something magnificent occurs. Male deers start to grow a curling organ from their foreheads. You’re most likely aware that they are called antlers. But, have you ever wondered why deers have them, and what are they made of? Antlers are present … Read more